
Like it, love it, or hate it. This is mine, not yours. This is me, not you. And this is real!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Little Weiner

I try my best not to judge, but WTF dude?? Not only are you grown and a politician and married, but you have a front seat to the debacle that was made of Eliot Spitzer's political career, amongst others. What were you thinking?? Prolly weren't thinking I guess, all the blood to your brain clearly was going somewhere else. And your wife got some strong facial features, but she's not a house wife, the bitch has he own her money and power and her BFF is Hillary Clinton, are you kidding me?? Finding out she's preggers to me adds insult to injury, but I will say I'm glad she didn't leave you. (You get points for not cheating and having a bastard child with the help, I'll drink to that).

One thing you have done, aside from lie (not cool by the way, you're a grown ass man) was allow all Copy Writers to have a field day with the headlines and all late night talk show hosts to spoof there hearts out...see link attached. Quite creative all around, hats off to you guys.

B.O, I fucks withchu, you know this, but I'm not sure if you would really lie about this to begin with much less resign once it got out. As a brother, I'm sure you'd have no problem copping to those pics, homie was holding. (Not on no gay shit). But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't step out on Michelle like that....not with that jaw. (no disrespect, I just couldn't resist).

I personally don't see anything wrong with the acts themselves, most "ppl" do it everyday. GUILTY!!! But I guess politicians aren't ppl. And is no one mad about the fact that he lied, at all?? Just the fact that it was 8 women?? I know he's mad he got caught silly rabbit but I can honestly say him nor any of the other philanderers have bad taste, those bitches were aight.

But enuff about them, cuz it's always about me and I was trying not to touch the subject, but if i must. Next post....O Bron Bron

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