
Like it, love it, or hate it. This is mine, not yours. This is me, not you. And this is real!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

See You Later

To say I wish i had the opportunity to know you even better seems unfair, but I m truly grateful that our paths crossed, never realized that 8 years have passed. I have so many mixed emotions and I feel soo many things. Anger, sadness, loss, vengeful, confusion, but mostly cheated. I feel like that ppl that know you and love you were robbed. I've dealt with death, but nothing like this. And I don't know what makes it worse: the fact that I didn't see you as much anymore or the fact that I just saw you. I can still hear you clearly and the image of your face keeps my up at night. You were so happy. I told you I would see you later, and off I went. So unaware, so sure that I would get the chance.

To say that the hearts of your family and friends isn't shattered would be a lie. Grown men cried, the heavens rained, and homage was paid to you as it rightfully should have been. I got D, she gon be aight. We love her just as much as you do.

I'm gonna miss your smile and your voice and bumping into in every time I came back to the hood. It's the simplest things that are now going to be the hardest. Like getting a lucey, or my eyebrows done, or driving down your block. But who am I to complain, I still have my life, right??

I wish you still had yours. I wish you were still right here with us, but you're not. And as much as everyone is telling me that I am going to get over it, I know I never will. Never. I know one day it won't hurt as much as I know that if you can see or hear me that you would want me to move on and I will. But you were just here, I just saw you...I can still see you.

My gramma wants me to believe that you are in a better place, and if that is the case, could you please say hi to Kendra, Allistair, Lane, Ron, Leon, Dani, Tafari, Maxine, Aunty Shirley.

There's a song on Beyonce's new album, "You're the only image in my mind, so I still see you, I miss u like everyday, wanna be with you but you're away, said I miss you, missing you insane...

I hope you're as happy as I last saw you, and I WILL see you later.

R.I.P Nicholas Telemaque aka Ju$e aka brolicalcoholic

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