
Like it, love it, or hate it. This is mine, not yours. This is me, not you. And this is real!

Friday, January 20, 2012


It's funny how things come together. And it's only funny when you can "reflect." When a moment that seemed so real and neverending, is now behind you, you have no choice but to deal with what's left. I've had to make peace with so many things these last few years of my life, and I'm still standing....

I've had to overcome, persevere, get over, ignore, and let be.
I hope, foolishly, that this is it.
I pray that I have already fought most of my toughest battles.

I wish, for nothing
I need, never
I want, often
I love, hard
I miss, terribly
I forgive, seldom
I learn, always
I live.....


  1. Hard times come and hard times go. I feel like that's the realest shit like, life gets crazy without warning often times.

    I'd say that all that stuff didn't kill you so you're stronger (not to sound cliche) so even if there's more, you're already ready for it!!

  2. Spiggz your a tough cookie and I admire you so much for that!
    -big bro
